Page name: Arianova rp page 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-27 01:21:52
Last author: Lady_Elowyn
Owner: Lady_Elowyn
# of watchers: 4
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Chris watched Luna and Alec emerge from the tent, holding eachother and looking completely in love. His eyes narrowed. Alec was taking too long. He would give him until tomorrow, but no later before he stepped in.

Aerion continued to wait. She was actually searching out a weak spot, looking for something that could help her win.

"Find the dominate side. The weak one is the opposite!"Ben called out to Aereion.

Lei Fang walked around her.

Aerion notied that they were now circling eachother.

Lei Fang sighed, "We're not going anywere fast." She stopped and stod infront of her.

"I'm a defensive fighter. I only go offensive when I need to." Aerion explained.

"Then the point of this would be...?" Lei Fang asked.

Aerion shrugged. "This is to see how you fight - not how good I am."

"I only fight when I have to, not because I want to."

"Ah, but this is training my friend. You can only call it fighting when you want to inflict harm." Aerion replied.

"True to the point." Lei Fang said, then attacked in a small series of strikes.

One nicked Aerion's arm, but the rest she blocked with her weapon or her body.

Lei Fang stod there. "Now what?"

"Very good.." Aerion muttered, as if thinking.

Lei Fang sighed, sitting down to medatate. She needed to calm down.

"You both fought well." The hulking youth said, crouching in front of a fire he was trying to make." My name is Ben.What's yours?"

"Lei Fang." She smiled, "Nice to met you." She slowly opened her eyes and looked over at him.

"You too. Any thing you could do for my pnemonia?" Ben says, coughing ruffly.

Lei Fang got up and then sat next to him, "I donno. What do you normally have?:

"I havn't gotten sick since I've been exiled. That and I was given a sack of food and my weapons. Nothing else." Ben says, curling next to the small fire me managed, trying again at gaining heat.

"Don't mind me." Lei Fang said, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close to her body for the heat. "I'll think of something for you." She whispered.

"Thank you. I don't get much hospitality like this. Do you know where I can find the rebels, the Sebrellians? I am going to find them." Ben asks, curling as small as he could.

"I'm a new member." Lei Fang smiled, "So that would mean you found them." She looked up at him and blinked a few times. "We will have to find Luna or Lerayel." She looked down them rubbed his arms her heand were on, lightly.

"Do we have to go now?" Ben shivered.

Alec was really getting disgusted with the kissing, but didn't let any of it show. He just smiled, picked up some fruit and a cup of juice, and was about to eat when an idea occured to him. He leaned over to Luna, speaking in her ear so no one else could hear, and asked nervously. "Luna.. Would you go for a walk with me later? Alone, I.. I have something I want to talk to you about but.. it's private." He looked into her eyes pleadingly.

Luna nodded to him some & then smiled as she began to eat her food, she then sent a mental message to Lerayel saying," I still think something is up, he wants me to go for a walk with him alone & i don't like the sound of that. " She then leaned against him some & sighed after finishing her food, she then after a while stood.

Alec had finished his food as well and stood with her, taking her hand and leading her out to the woods at a leisurely pace, no rush, smiling and talking to her about the weather as they went.

Luna lowered her head & the look in her eyes changed, she looked sad. It was as if she didn't want this to happen, it was like she would rather not have him than hurt him & she didn't like it.

Alec paused in walking, frowning at her. "Luna, is something wrong?"

Luna stopped shaking her head & tehn said softly," Just thinking about something is all, but lets continue on ok & i just want to know what it is you need to speak with me about?" She then stared into his eyes, though she knew it wasn't going to be talking & it hurt her even more to know eh was telling her anything other than the truth.

He nodded skeptically, but continued, talking to her in a nervous, but formal voice. "Luna.. You told me earlier that if I truly loved you, that would follow my heart over my loyalty and come to the Sebrellans.. You said.. say, you love me, and yet you were unwilling to do that for me..." He sighed and paused a moment before continueing, "I was just wondering.. If this is still what you wanted.." He looked at her. "Do you still want me to be part of the Sebrellans?"

" Alec i do love you more than you know & i do want to stay here with them, they are all i have ever known. If you want to go back to your own, then go i'm not going to keep you here & should we meet in battle we both do waht we have to. I don't want you to get hurt & should i die then so be it, thats what is ment to hapepn. Just don't ever let it be by anyones hands but your own, atleast then i will ahve known that you cared enough to stop my pain & then i will ahve known what the truth was." Luna then stared into his eyes, she hid all her emotion now & her eyes looked alittle blank.

Alec placed a hand on her cheek, looking into her eyes with something close to shocked sadness. A moment later she was in his arm and he was holding her as if he'd never let go. "Oh, Luna..." he said softly. "I only ask because if you did not want me to stay, I would have left. I want to be part of the Sebrellans, I told you that and I meant it. I simply didn't want to stay if it was going to upset you because you did not want it." He leaned back, still holding her so he could look into her eyes. "Luna.. I love you, and I don't want to go back to the Kerrigons."

Luna then stared into his eyes, she didn't know what to think or say & she could only look back at him. She then sighed alittle, it was en emotionless sigh & yet a sigh none the less.

Alec frowned at her. "You don't trust me, do you?" He didn't sound mad. If anything, he sounded heart broken.

" No Alec i do trust you, it's just wahts on my mind is showing through & it's stopping me from smiling. If i could talk to you about it i would, but i can't right now & not untill i decide formyself if things will be ok yet it has nothing to do with you so no worries." She then tried to cover the truth & did good at it, she was one of the best at hiding the truth.

Alec nodded again skeptically, but let it go. "As you wish," he said, then looked back toward camp. "Do you want us to go back now?"

" Yes yet if you don't then we will stay out here, i don't want to make you do anything you arn't ready to do & i know that you love the woods." Luna then stared into his eyes smiling now.

Alec placed a hand on his chest, gasping at her. "You know one of my deepest secrets already!" he said with all theatrics, then laughed. "No, we should return. Lerayel doesn't wish for me to be alone with you for very long." He leaned down to smile at her, looking straight into her eyes. "I don't think she believes I can protect you," he said sadly, then frowned. "But Luna, you must promise me, please, do not tell Lerayel that I didn't want to be a Kerrigon. I can't tell you why it's important but.. just, please.. don't tell her." He looked at her with pleading eyes.

Luna nodded to him then wraped ehr arms around him, she then stood beside him placing only one arm around him & then lead him back to the camp. She then looked back to teh ground as they walked & kept quiet untill they reached the grounds, she then looked at him again.

Alec respected her silence, keeping an arm around her as well, but caught her looking at him. He smiled at her. "Yes?"

" I was jsut wondering, it seams like every time i kiss you & i can see it in your movements that you don't like it all that much." She then looked back at the ground & finaly back up at him, her eyes questioningly looking at him.

Alec tensed, then let out a breath as his body relaxed once more. He looked at her with saddened eyes and a slight frown. "I don't believe in such affection before marriage," he stated honestly. It was about time someone knew (though it was more due to his lack of loyalty to his affections). He really wanted to wretch right now remembering it; the feeling still lingered on his lips. He didn't let that show though, not wanting to look like he hated her. He was ashamed that he had allowed it though. He hadn't wanted to kiss anybody, not in the past and no where in the emediate future that he saw.

Luna nodded before lowering her head, she then decided to just not kiss him any more & she could tell that he hated it. Her arm that ws around him lostneded alittle & she was totaly silent, not even her breathing could be heard. She didn't know how to show her love to him now, she was totaly at a loss & unsure of what to say as well.

"Luna..." Alec's eyes widened and he leaned down to look into her eyes, worried. "I'm sorry if I offended you...."

" You didn't offend me, it's just that if you don't like my kissing you then i won't & yet finding something to replace my affection." She kept her eyes to the ground & then went wilent again, she then said to him softly," Don't take this wrong when i say it, but i need to go for a walk & i need to cleam my mind alittle. Is it ok if you meet me back at my tent, i will be back soon honest i will & don't think this is your fault i ahve been like this for a while." She then stopped then looked up at him, her words showing truth & her love she had for him.

"Ok.." Alec said gently and hugged her. "Be safe.." he whispered before letting go so she could go for her walk.

Luna slowly walked off back towards the trees & woods knowing she would be followed by someone, she knew that she would be hurt mor than likely in some way. she always came back with new injuries every time she went for a walk & she never explained as to how she had gotten them, she just got them with being stupid at times.

Alec knew he should probably follow her, but that was just asking for trouble. He only hoped that Christopher would follow him instead of going to Luna and blabbing. He sighed and jogged of to a different direction from camp and into the woods, out of Sebrellan sight.

Luna ended up circeling the woods around the camp 3 times & on her 4th time, she heard something around her.

Lerayel, of course, had been no more than fifty yards away and had watched Alec's every move. Neither he nor Luna knew she had been there, but she wouldn't leave them alone together for the shortest amount if time.

Chris watched Alec with narrowded eyes. He was taking too long. The job should be finished by now. He stuck by what he had decided earlier, but he needed to speak with Alec. He intercepted him as he walked back into the Sabrellan camp. "Alec," he said quietly.

"Oh good, I was hoping you would follow me," Alec said simply as he looked at Christopher.

"Oh? Why?" asked Chris, temporarily thrown off. "Never mind. That's beside the point. What's taking so long?!"

"I don't know what you mean," Alec answered calmly. "Things are progressing just fine. You are impatient. I told Orchid this would take a couple of days, if not more."

Chris shrugged, not sure if he believed this. But there was no lie in Alec's eyes. "So long as you are simply building trust, so you can finish the task more easily. But I will give you no longer than to the end of this week."

"Christopher, you do not outrank me, how long you give me is of no concern. I have told Orchid when I will complete it and that is the timing I go by. Patience, they say, is a virtue," Alec told him, again staying calm. He was glad that Chris had not gone to Luna and said something stupid like 'Since Alec will not do as he is told and is betrayed us, I shall kill you myself!'. He would have hated him for that, even if Luna had killed him.

Chris narrowed his eyes, as if to say 'how do I know you aren't just buying time so you can get out of this altogether?' But he said nothing. He simply nodded. "Your task will be completed, then."

"Yes." Luna has to die someday... Alec held up his hand in front of him and had Chris clasp his with it. "I chose Orchid, and I am loyal to whom I choose."

Chris nodded, accepting the oath. "Very well. I am going to return to our camp. I will be back in a few days to check on your progress."

Alec nodded in response and released Chris's hand before walking past him, back to the Sebrellan camp.

Chris nodded and turned in the opposite direction, silently finding his way back to the Kerrigons and wordlessly entering their camp.

"Don't mind me." Lei Fang said, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close to her body for the heat. "I'll think of something for you." She whispered.

"Thank you. I don't get much hospitality like this. Do you know where I can find the rebels, the Sebrellians? I am going to find them." Ben asks, curling as small as he could.

"I'm a new member." Lei Fang smiled, "So that would mean you found them." She looked up at him and blinked a few times. "We will have to find Luna or Lerayel." She looked down them rubbed his arms her heand were on, lightly.

Siara sat up against a tree, slowly sharpening one of her daggers on a rock.

Alec stopped under the tree and leaned against it, arms crossed over his chest. "Come to check on me as well," Alec asked easily, smiling slightly.

"No. I'm just innocently sharpening my daggers." Siara said with a smirk. She really didn't feel like mustering a smile.

"Siara, if I know anything about you, it's that nothing you do is innocent." He tilted his head back and lifted one corner of his mouth in a smile to her.

Siara gave a snicker. "I guess you're right." She said, cocking her head to the side a bit. "'s it been going? Have you stabbed the girl yet?"

"I can say I've stabbed her in the back, so if you want to take that literally, though I mean it metaphically, then yes, I have," Alec replied and looked at the ground, his half smile gone.

"Ah, I see..." Siara said, not pushing him any further. She didn't want an episode like last time. She shethed her dagger, and tossed the rock over her shoulder, not really looking where it landed. She didn't care if she knocked someone out. She stretched out a bit, then jumped down, landing softly near Alec.

As soon as she landed and stood right, Alec wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close.

Siara (who wasn't used to any affect) stood still for a moment. The last two times she had either threatened him or she had..well, threatened him, though it didn't seem appropiate this time. She loosly put her arms around him.

"Stay out of this.. All of this," he said quietly to her and a moment later, Alec had let go and was on his way back to the Sebrellan camp, not looking back.

"Well that was odd.." Siara mumbled, rubbing the back of her head with her hand. She looked off into the direction where he had left. What did he mean by all of this? Is there something that he's hiding? She thought. She sighed and shook her head as she gave one more glance in that direction before she turned, and began to walk away, back to her own camp.

Aerion paused as she thought she heard something. She was going to call out, but then she thought better of it, and with a shake of her head, she turned to head back for the camp. She paused when she say Alec. "Well well well." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Look who's here."

Alec paused and turned his curious face to her, then he smirked. "Hello," he said, before continueing to walk back to camp.

odd. You think he would have said something more. Aerion thought.

Alec paused again, then looked over his shoulder, smiling slightly this time. "I'm sorry, did you need something? I didn't mean to blow you off like that, my head is in the clouds today."

"it's just that, if I recall correctly, you are the one that was hanging about where my sister was. Or, perhaps, I am mistaking you for someone else." Aerion said calmly, running a finger along her weapon.

"Sister? I'm sorry, I don't know who you're talking about, but yes, I have spoken to you before. You were one of people trapsing around in the woods, scaring animals and killing plants unnecessarily," Alec replied, still with a small smile.

Luna looked all around her for the sound & tehn seeing that it was a bear, she jumped out of the way of it's huge claw. She growled under her breath & then screamed as it hit her left shoulder, it was knowcked out of place gain. As soon as she grabed her dagger, she stabed the bear in the throat & then trued to miss it's next swing though it cought her in the left arm tearing a few muscles in her arm she killed it. She then turned pulling her dangeling arm in close to her & she ran back to the camp disappearing into her tent, she sat down on her bed still holding her arm to her. She was having the worst luck ever with that arm & she hated that it kept getting hurt, she didn't know waht to do.

Lerayel heard a scream she knew belonged to none but Luna. She immediately ran towards it, but did not arrive in time. She ran after Luna, watching her disappear into her tent. She knocked, asking permission to enter. "Luna, it's me."

Luna said faintly to Lerayel," Come in......" Her words faded & she lay silent now, she had tears in her eyes. She was sitting up instead of laying down this time & it she was shaking all over, she was always getting injured some how.

Lerayel was at her side immediately. "How did this happen?" she asked as she gently healed her friend's arm. "You needn't start hurting yourself," she half-joked.

Luna tried to laugh, but winced instead & pulled her arm away. She then said softly," No you can't heal it this time, once you heal me with magic once i get amuned to it & it only hurts me the second time." She then looked into Lerayel's eyes & shook at the pain, the scratched as well as ehr shoulder being out hurt.

Lerayel closed her eyes. "Why did you not tell me before? I would have simply bandaged it, and healed a greater wound later on." She tore her shirt and carefully bandaged the terrible wound on Luna's arm.

" I guess is slipped my mind & my shoulder is out again, some muscles might have torn this time. I need to keep in close to my body & put back in as soon as the swelling goes down, but for now it needs to stay motionless to my body." Luna then stared at Lerayel & then closed ehr eyes as pain hit her again, all of it based in ehr shoulder.

Lerayel nodded. "I will ask if there are any potion-makers among our ranks. Perhaps there is a potion that can help." She helped Luna ley down, careful to leave the dislocated shoulder unmoved. "For now, go to sleep. That is the best thing we can do."

Aerion gave a small laugh. "Fine. Act oblivious if you will. But soon people won't be buying your act." Her eyes flashed with some emotion, though it was hard to tell which. She doubled back into the trees.

Is she Siara's sister? I didn't know Siara HAD sister.. But.. He shrugged off-handedly and continued back to camp to find fellow herbalists. Maybe he could at least make a couple of allies today.

Luna nodded before saying to Lerayel," I just wish Alec was back here, but he must still be wlaking the woods & i wish he was here." She then looked around & closed her eyes, she didn't want to sleep yet instead only lay there.

Lerayel smiled at her friend and nodded understandably. "I know. When I was still.... before I founded the Sabrellans, and even a short time after, every time I was hurt I longed for the one I loved. But he did not return that love, and so I have all but forgotten him. It's strange, really. The Kerrigons have been here for around fifty years, but in that entire time I've never once loved another man."

" I just fear that he might not truly love me & that he may be putting on a show for me, that he might be hiding how he really feels. I truly love him Lerayel & if i lost him in any way, or he left me i don't think i could love any other man like i love him. " She then looked into Lerayel's eyes & it showed that her words where all true, she then close her eyes again.

Lerayel looked Luna in the eye. It hurt her terribly to tell her friend what she was thinking. But she knew, in the end, it would only hurt Luna more if she did not. "I fear the same, Luna. I have feared this whole time that he was assigned by Orchid-" Immediately she stopped. She had promised herself never to utter that name when she was among her members. And she had broken her promise. She looked down, the memories coming back yet again as tears flooded her eyes. She blinked them back. "That their leader has ordered Alec to kill you, and that she sent back-up to make sure he finishes the job," she finished at a whisper. "It is what she would do, to test his loyalty."

Luna looked at Lerayel & then said softly," I have feared that from the start & it hurts to know that it could be true, i just hope that he will not do as asked if asked what we think he was asked." She then looked away & tried to hold the tears back, yet could not.

Lerayel couldn't help but smile slightly as Luna repeated the same word so many ways. It was a short-lived smile that never reached her eyes. She sighed, seeing tears in Luna's eyes mirroring her own. She wiped her own eyes dry, then did the same for Luna. "It will all be ok. For now, please, go to sleep."

Luna then looked at lerayel & then smiled a weak smile, her eyes sad with tears trickeling down her cheeks. She then said softly," I can't sleep Lerayel, not with things on my mind & the pain stopping me." She then sared at the top of the tent & sighed as she lay there, she then looked away.

Lerayel sighed in unison with Luna. She knew there were oh so many things she should be doing- keeping an eye on Alec, interrogating Zela, watching the training of new recruits, and so many other things. But she knew staying with Luna was more important. "If you wish, you may tell me what is on your mind," she said softly.

" No Lerayel you have other things to do, go see what Alec is up to, check on the new recruits, interogate Zela & then maybe return when you are done. You have more pressing matters to tend to, so do then my friend & do not worry about me. " Luna then closed her eyes to rest them & waited to hear Lerayel walk out, she just lay there as still as ever like a statue motionless.

Lerayel shook her head. "Friendship is more important than any of those things. Please Luna. Speak with me."

" They are of him, of my past, of many things & it's hard to explain or speak of. " She then looked at her before closing her eyes again, sht then took a deep breath & starting shaking as a wave of pain hit her.

Lerayel put a comforting hand one Luna's uninjured shoulder. "Would you like to try to explain it?"

" Maybe some other time ok Lerayel, but for now i just hope my shoulder loses some swelling bast & then it cna be poped back in." She then smiled alightly at her friend & nodded as well, her eyes calm somewhat.

Lerayel just nodded. "I hope we can find a potion-maker who knows a helpful potion," she said again. "Surely some one can make potions?"

" Unfortunatly Lerayel i'm the only who who knows how to, but if you get my boog just there on the shelf & follow just as it says you can learn how to make them. Just turn to page 488 & you will find what you are looking for, on the bottom shelf there should be atleast most of the things you need." Luna nodded to Lerayel & then smiled at her confidently, she then closed her eyes again.

Lerayel nodded slowly and got the book. She flicked through the pages, searching for the right potion. She found it and started following the instructions.

Luna smiled then said to Lerayel," You did good for your first time, if you wish to take the book to study everythnig in it & learn it all you may do so or you could jsut let me teach you at a later time when i'm back on my feet. " She then sighed as the potion had already started to numb her arm, she just lay there & hoped that Alec would come back soon. She then said to Lerayel," Will you go get Alec, i want him here & i need to talk to him?" She hten waited for a responce from her friend.

Lerayel nodded hesitantly. "I will get him for you. Do you know how to speak telepathically?" It was a skill Lerayel had learned from the Kerrigons, and she hated using it, but it would be the easiest way for Luna to contact her if Alec hurt her.

Luna nodded tehn said softly," Remember you tought me alot fo what i know, but most of it i already knew before we came to be friends & thats one thing i do know. " She then nodded to ehr & said to ehr mentaly,' Just talk to me the whole time untill you find him ok, so that i will know if you mena to stop talking to me or not & then if you need help i will know by teh tone in your words better. ' She then smiled at Lerayel again & nodded once more.

Lerayel nodded. Good, she responded telepathically. If I stop communicating with you, it means I'm in trouble. She left the tent, and went in search of Alec. Do you know where he is supposed to be? she asked.

Luna then said responded softly,' I say in the opposit direction from where i was, i told him i was going for a walk & he said he would meet me back here yet he is not back yet. ' Luna then waited for another responce.

Alec had, in fact, gone the other direction, but he hadn't known how long Luna was going to take, so he had went to speak with the other herbalists and potion makers. He had made a few allies, but not friends. They simply shared interests, so they would meet from time to time to exchange information. Satisfied, he was now on his way back to Luna's tent.

Okay, Lerayel replied to Luna. She looked around for a moment, and saw Alec. I found him, she told Luna. "Hello, Alec," she said aloud.

Luna replied to Lerayel,' Thats good & how close tocamp is he, close i bet right?' She then waited for Lerayel to respond knowing that she would.

He's headed towards you, Lerayel said. I'll tell him you want him.

Alec smiled when he saw her and bowed a little. "Hello, Lerayel, I was just on my way to meet up with Luna. May I help you with something?"

Lerayel smiled and nodded. "Luna sent me to find you. She wishes to see you."

"Well I wanted to see her, too. I wouldn't have parted company with her if she hadn't wished to take a walk alone.. Is she in her tent?" Alec said, smiling and looking off in the direction of Luna's tent.

Luna then replied to Lerayel,' Tell him what happened & see how he reacts, then just follow him back to the tent.' Luna then sighed as the potion started to wear off, she groned as her shoulder triched & she then fell silent for teh most part.

Lerayel hesitated, but did as Luna said. "Yes, she is in her tent. She- she was injured. Her shoulder was dislocated and she has a bad gash down her arm."

Luna nodded then replied again,' Tell him that it was only a bear, so nothing to serious & yet though this it to you Lerayel. My shoulder is hurting again, i'm not sure if any swelling went down or not & i know that the potions are starting to not work.' She then went silent again, her words seamed pain filled & shaky.

Lerayel didn't answer for a long moment. Why must you be immune to everything? she asked after a moment. She relayed her friend's message to Alec, as much as she was meant to.

Alec's eyes widened. "A bear?!" He sounded so worried and there wasn't even time to confirm it with a nod. He took off running back to Luna's tent, dashing inside to see her laying on her cot and he knelt by her, looking over the wounds. "Luna.. Oh, Luna, I'm so sorry.. I knew I shouldn't have left your side... If I had been with you, this wouldn't have happened! Is there anything I can do for you, my flower? A poultice? Potion? Do you want me to fetch a Healer? Anything?!

Luna then said softly," No i'm fine, i just have to wait for the swelling in my shoulder to go down so my shoulder can be poped back in & then everythnig will be alright. " She then stared into his eyes & then closed them, she then tried to turn over.

Alec sighed. "This-this is not allright! Where is this bear! I will tear it apart and use it's hide to make you boots! If there is anything, anything at all, that you want, I'll be happy to get it for you."

Luna then said to him," I already killed the bear, he is just outside the eastern side of camp & should still be there. " She then wished deeply & shook alittle, but was still fighting the pain.

"Luna..." Alec frowned, speaking softly. "Is there anything I can do for you? Is there anything you want me to do?"

Luna then said to him," Just stay with me & keep me company, keep me from thinking to much. " She then smiled at him lightly & then sighed once more, her eyes concentraiting on him.

Alec smiled gently. "Ok.." he said, stroking back her hair from her forehead carefully and kissed her forehead gently before just looking into her eyes.

Luna smiled alittle then after an hour the swelling in her shoulder had gone down, she then said softly to him," Could you get Lerayel for me please, i need her to fix my arm into place & then check to see if the muscles are torn in it." She then stared into his eyes waiting for him to answer, she then took her good arm & placed her hand on his cheek softly.

Alec smiled softly and nodded. "If that is what you wish," he said quietly and kissed the palm of her hand, gave her hair one last stroke, then stood. "Have Lerayal get me if you want me, ok? I know you'll want to be alone with her," he smiled and stepped outside, finding Lerayel. "Luna's shoulder's swelling has gone down. She wants you to help her now..." he told her.

Lerayel nodded. "Thank you, Alec." She entered Luna's tent. "Are you ready? This will hurt, but it will feel better after."

"Thank you. Shall I get going to help you?" Ben says, still shivering and now sweating lightly.

Lei Fang blushed pulling back. "Sorry." She smiled. "Help me? How?"She raised a eyebrow at him.

"I am an expert tracker, master assasin, and a dangerous fighter. I could protect you while we search. I also love to help as much as I can."Ben says closing his eyes tiredly.

Lei Fang grinned and poked him softly, "We shall rest first, no?" She smiled, "You can sleep in my tent, kay?"

"Right. Lets sleep." Ben whispers starting to pass out.

She grinned, moving closer. Helping him lean on her.

Ben stumbled up and leaned lightly on her. "I have such a terrible headache. As soon as I fall asleep, I am going to need help getting up." ben chuckled lightly.

"Then I'll be there to help you up." She smiled at the double meaning, then starteding to lead then back to her tent.

"Thank you. There is a cot in my pack. Take it out for me, will you?"Ben says, stumbling farther ahead.

Lei Fang pulled back her flap to her tent. "Please take mine. I'll rest in the chair."

"Right, okay. Thank you." ben says, heaving the pack of his shoulders and setting it down lightly.

Lei Fang closed the flap, took her over shirt off and tossed it aside, She sat in the chair, got comfy and smiled at Ben.

Luna nodded to Lerayel & said to her," Yes i'm ready & make sure that Alec comes back in when you finish, i also think i might have torn muscles in my arm to. " She then looked into Lerayel's eyes & finaly closed her eyes, she waited to feel the pain hit her.

Lerayel nodded. She gently took Luna's arm, and eased it back into the socket. That would ease the pain. But if the muscle was torn, it would take much longer to heal. "Luna, you aren't to do any work for the next week, at least. No training, no nothing. Promise me this."

" May i still instruct others & explain thisng to them, that is as long as i keep my arm in a sling?" She then beged Lerayel with her eyes, she just hoped she would alteast let ehr do that & not just make her stay in bed.

With a sigh, Lerayel nodded. She knew she couldnt' get Luna to stay in bed. "Alright. But I don't want you doing any work. I'll make sure of it. And today you're staying in bed. Do you want me to go get Alec now?"

Ben nodded tiredly to her and laid down on the cot, pulling a thick wool blanket from his bag and over him.

Lei Fang shifted and watched him before falling back to sleep for a little while too.

Ben slept and was quite peaceful, his body trying to heal itself.

Lei Fang uncruled herself after about three hours. She looked over to were Ben was and smiled.

Ben's eyes fluttered open and he sat tiredly up, rubbing at his eyes."What time is it?" he asked after taking a long drink from a small silver flask.

"Hm..."Lei Fang tossed threw a few things. "About 5."

Luna nodded then said quietly to Lerayel," Thank you for everything & i mean it when i say that i will only instruct, only talking as ell as reading yet no actual showing ok. " She then smiled as she lay there, her arm bound as well as in a sling & she waited for Alec to wlak back in.

Lerayel nodded, and left. She told Alec he could go see Luna again. Then she went to find her guard. She wanted to speak with Loke, along with several other people. But first Loke. The rest would follow.

Alec smiled his thanks and entred Luna's tent again, kneeling by her bed. He took the hand of her uninjured arm in his hand and gave her a little smile. "Hey, feeling any better now, my flower?"

Luna smiled at him & then nodded slightly, but she needed sleep yet she knew that she would not sleep much if at all. She then stared into his eyes & lifted his hand to her lips, she then kissed it softly.

Alec's eyes softened somehow, and as did his smile. "You should probably rest..." he said quietly, thinking deeply but not showing it.

Luna smiled at him holding his hand to her cheek, she then said to him softly," I will in time, but for now i'm fine & i wouldn't be able to sleep with teh pain." She then stared into his eyes even more, her emotions calm & gentil towards him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, Luna," Alec said quietly, frowning and gently carressing her cheek with his thumb.

"Dang. Massive headache."Ben says putting his blanket back in the bag.

Lei Fang tossed threw a few more things, then tossed him a pill bottle. "A potion to help."

"Thanks mate."Ben says, swallowing two pills.

"Anytime friend." Lei Fang smiled, she pulled back her top and slipped it on.

Ben smiled briely, and pulled his shirt back on. It must have gotten pulled off when I was sleeping.

Lei Fang turned her gaze. Oh he must think the worst.

"So what should we do right now?" Ben says, stretching and ruffling his hair.

"I guess we could go find Luna or Lerayel." Lei Fang smiled.

"Okay, I can do that." he says getting up and rubbing the long, knotted scar that ran from his right shoulder to his left hip.

"Ouch." Lei Fang whispered, "That had to hurt." She said looking at it, then looking at his face. "Sorry." She then glared at the floor.

"Well, lets just say that it is a memory from my time before I became an exile. That is the reason I am an exile. It was the most fun I've had in my whole life."Ben says, nting her gaze."Don't be sorry. It isn't your problem." he finishes, hefting his pack onto his shoulders.

Lei Fang stood. "I know. But I should no have stared." She smiled at him.

Luna smiled at Alec & then said softly," Don't worry about it Alec, your here now & thats all that matteres." She then kissed his hand & stared deep into his eyes, her own shining softly for him.

"I'll keep you safe from now on," Alec said, looking right back into her eyes, his own just as fond.

luna smiled at him & kissed his hand again, she tehn said softly to him," I know you will & i trust you more than you know, you mean alot to me. " She then kissed his hand again & stared into his eyes.

"And you mean more to me than you will ever know," Alec replied, smiling softly at her.

Luna smiled at him & wanted to kiss him, but knew he may not like it. She then closed erh eyes for a moment, but opned them as soon as she heard his breathing change alittle & she then looked into his eyes again.

Alec offered her a small smile when her eyes opened again. "Rest, honig..." he said softly and used his free hand to gently brush some hair from her face.

Luna nodded as she tried to, but couldn't help but stay awake & stare at him instead. She then tried even more to rest, but her shoulder was hurting her to much & it was hard for her to sleep.

Alec frowned a little and said softly, "If you want.. I can keep you from feeling the pain..."

Lerayel found Jalen quickly. "Jalen. Could you speak with me? In my tent?"

Jalen smiled brightly at her and left the blades he had been sorting with others. "Of course, Lerayel," he said, coming to her side and following her to her tent. He had a soft english accent that made most girls melt and a laugh to match.

Luna shook her head at Alec & hten said to him softly," No i'm fine, i will just deal with it & it's not like it won't stop soon. " She then smiled at him & stared into his eyes, she then sighed lightly.

"As you wish, then," Alec said, nodding his head a little to her, and continued stroking her hair and holding her hand.

Luna smiled as she closed her eyes, she finaly started to fall asleep & against her will though she had tried to fight it it was no use. She slept yet it was an uneasy one & she was tossing to no end, it's why she hardly ever slept.

Aerion strolled threw the woods, deep in her thoughts. Why didn't he know that Siara and I are siblings? Does she even acknowledge having a sister? She sighed, then scolded herself. "No need to get worked up about something so stupid.." She murmured.

Lerayel smiled at being with her old friend again. "It's been a while," she said as she entered the tent and sat on her bed. She gestured for him to take the chair. She was one of the few not affected by his accent, only becasue she'd known him for so long.

"Yes it has... You've been busy," Jalen said, still smiling as he took the chair and looked for all the world he had been there for hours; he looked so comfortable. "It's like we never have time together anymore," he pouted teasingly, then smiled. "But I'm always around, you know that."

"I'll always be busy," said Lerayel with a laugh. "It comes with running such a large group. Right now there are about twenty things I should be doing. But I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh? Well that's sweet, Lera. But it leads me to ask," Jalen leaned foreward, elbows on his knees and looking at her curiously. "What about?"

After Luna finaly woke up, she stood them smiled at Alec & then said softly," I need to tlak to Lerayel, i must find out waht i'm to do today & if you want to join me you may." She then streched yet kept her left arm close to her body, she did as Lerayel said & rested yet now she was on her wya to get her duties from her leader. 

Alec looked at her nervously. "Umm if it's allright with you.. I need to talk with some of others.. Is that ok?" He looked at her questioningly.

Tis time to move on!------> Arianova RP page 4

Arianova character page
Arianova rp page 2

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2006-07-24 [Artsy]: no problem with it, just pointing out, you are not a man

2006-07-24 [Dark Necromancer]: Am too.

2006-07-24 [Artsy]: no, your not, and i'm not argueing this, you're just not

2006-07-24 [Dark Necromancer]: Am Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-24 [Artsy]: i told you, i'm not argueing this

2006-07-24 [Dark Necromancer]: Then just say I am a man.

2006-07-24 [Artsy]: i don't tell lies

2006-07-24 [Dark Necromancer]: Don't lie. It's the truth and you know it.

2006-07-24 [Artsy]: no, it's not the truth, and i'm not gonna say it, you are still a boy, what in the world gives you the thought that you are a man?

2006-07-24 [Dark Necromancer]: Because I have the maturatey of a six year old.

2006-07-24 [Lady_Elowyn]: *Blinks* this is inapropriate conversation for this location. Carry it elsewhere, please. Necro, admit it, you're still a boy.

2006-07-24 [Artsy]: yeah, boy

2006-07-24 [Dark Necromancer]: Hey!

2006-07-24 [Lady_Elowyn]: seriously though. Carry this elsewhere

2006-07-24 [Dark Necromancer]: Yes, lets take this outside.

2006-07-24 [Lady_Elowyn]: -.-

2006-07-24 [Dark Necromancer]: What?

2006-07-25 [Artsy]: i find it funny when american's use the word 'mate' for 'friend'...

2006-07-25 [Lady_Elowyn]: Advil? Advil doesn't exist in Arianova

2006-07-25 [Artsy]: we're herby's ^^

2006-07-25 [Dark Necromancer]: I was just rping along.Why do you say that it's funny? I use the term all the time.

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